Saturday, March 7, 2009

Finding A Way Back

One cant pick up a paper, flip on the news or scan a news website these days without seeing horrible news about the state of the economy. There is now way to sugar coat it, things are tough right now in the world with the economic down turn, moral decay, and signs of the times that just might seem apocalyptic to many.

Its been proven hundreds of times throughout the generations of man that have walked the earth, mankind lives in cycles of prosperity and demise. Look at history, the rise of fall of many great societies; dynasties in China, the Inca Empire of South America, the Vikings, the Roman Empire, the British empire, etc.. There are indeed too many examples of these cycles to site them all. The one thing that is also true is out of the ashes of demise comes a new cycle of prosperity. New leaders arise, fear is replaced by hope and action prevails. Moments of despair and destruction are replaced by new. Its just part of the human spirit, the reason why we have survived so many cycles, the ability to rise from the ashes.

So our nation is in one of these down cycles. Heck, even our whole world for that matter as we live in a global economy. I wont go off on how we got here. That news is all around us and there are thousands of people more qualified to report “how did we get here?'. My question is, how do we find our way back? How do we start the "up cycle"?

It starts within by tapping the human spirit. The power to do anything and to overcome lies within all of us. Deep inside is the will to not only survive but to prosper. Quoting fitness author and friend, Shawn Phillips. “now is a time for strength”. Now is the time for all of us to make a stand and do our part. We can not wait for someone to save us. There is not going to be a white night who rides in and saves the day. We start the turn around we need so badly be being the best we can be. Our nation has become soft and weak under the sunshine of prosperity and it's time we toughen up. The only way back to prosperity is if we all do our part. In the grand scheme of the world, I am no one but I do matter because I have a family, a job, belong to a church, have many circles of influence am a member of the community, a citizen of a nation and a member of the human race that I owe my contribution to.

We start by returning to fundamentals, a strong body, a clear mind, and the desire to change are all the tools we need. Its about living to higher standards, expecting more, doing more, being more.

I have found a movement that embodies this much needed change, The Coalition for Strength. Founded by fitness expert and author Shawn Phillips. This movement is about living a lifestyle that creates constant improvement and change. At the core, is first improving your health and then adding strength to everything you do.

Come join this movement. Be part of the groundswell of positive energy and action. Bring your energy, your talents, your insights and become part of a movement to "find our way back" to greatness. Surround yourself with people who are part of the answer and are taking the steps to change.

1 comment:

  1. During one of the last Egyptian dynasties, there was a terrible famine. Very distressing--there are actually hieroglyphs found that indicate that people were eating their kids. I wish I was joking about that. That is a level of depravity that most of us can't even imagine.
    I think these days we have to learn to simplify. But I tell ya, if I have to eat one more can of chili this week, I may eat my cat!
    (I am kidding about that. For one thing I'd never do such a thing. For another, he's almost 8 years old--he's probably pretty tough!)
